Acupuncture and Western Medical Herbalism, either used alone or in combination will help to safely regain optimum vitality by restoring the proper functioning of the body.
Treatment tailored to you
The holistic approach of Traditional Acupuncture and Western Medical Herbalism is that the person is treated as well as their disease and therefore the treatment is tailor-made for each patient, based on their medical history, constitution and presenting complaint.
The benefits
Traditional Acupuncture and Medical Herbalism are widely considered to be beneficial for a range of illnesses and symptoms – click on these pages to see which conditions may be helped by these therapies. In addition, some patients come for treatment because they simply feel unwell, and others choose holistic medicine to enhance their feeling of wellbeing.
Patients frequently feel benefits beyond their main complaint such as being more relaxed, energised and more able to cope with their everyday stresses.
Dietary and lifestyle advice, where relevant and appropriate, is offered to optimise this healing process and ultimately improve wellbeing.
Welcome to the Fleet Clinic of Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Run by Daren Oliver, fully qualified traditional acupuncturist and Western medical herbalist. This clinic offers:
- Acupuncture treatment (an integrated style of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Five Elements Acupuncture)
- Medical Herbalism treatment
- Dispensary stocking an extensive range of medicinal herbs
- Dispensing service for patients
- Stocks the professional range of nutrients and supplements from Lamberts Healthcare.
- Dietary advice and food intolerance testing.
Daren offers professional and confidential consultations at his Fleet practice. The Fleet Clinic of Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine also serves the surrounding areas of Hampshire and Surrey with patients travelling from Aldershot, Farnborough, Farnham, Hook, Basingstoke and Camberley.
To book an appointment or for a free, no obligation discussion to find out more, please call Daren on 07722 608 425 or click here.